Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bug Killer

Alisha and I are in the process of redoing our backyard. We started the process in the middle of last year, and just now we're finally getting the plans solidified. Last year my dad started leveling the yard and ripping out the grass, so right now our yard is full of weeds:

On the side of our house nearest to these weeds, I noticed a bunch of bugs. They all looked like this in various sizes:

There were quite a few of these on the house, so I squished about 15 of them and then still kept seeing more crawling around. Before I took the next step and started spraying bug killer or stomping them like mad, I thought to myself "Maybe I should look up what kind of bugs these are". I went inside and typed "orange black bug" into google. To my surprise, these were ladybugs in an intermediate stage! I guess our yard (and hopefully future garden) will be missing a few ladybugs this year. Luckily more have come back and it looks like we'll have plenty. Here is one of them nearly transformed into a full red-with-black-dots ladybug:

Please ignore the dying pineapple plant we're trying to grow after visiting the Dole plantation


  1. Weird! I would never have guessed those would turn into ladybugs.

  2. We will have to exchange gardening ideas as we are beginning our gardening adventure soon.
