Monday, October 6, 2014

Roscoe's Birthday

Alisha and I plan to celebrate Roscoe's birthday today by doing some happy things to remember him. We plan to visit Apple Hill, where we took Alisha's maternity pictures a little over a year ago. There will most likely be fresh apple donuts and a jug of apple cider (to take home) on the menu.

As we went to walk out the door this morning, we found this on our doorstep from our neighbors! I don't know if they even knew that we had these plans today:

Love speaks in many ways. We are excited to spend today remembering our boy!


  1. Wow - how sweet!
    Have a wonderful day! Love you!

  2. Have a wonderful, wonderful day!!!
    Love, Mom : )

  3. Happy birthday Roscoe! We have been thinking about you today. ��

  4. Know we are with yall this day celebrating with the Special Treasures of Roscoe !
    ~♡~ Have a Joyful Day !
    Love to both of you ! ~♡~

  5. What a wonderful day celebrating a wonderful boy! Happy birthday, Roscoe!

  6. Happy Birthday to your Baby Boy! You have very thoughtful neighbors, love that idea.

  7. Praying it was a blessed day of remembering!
