Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Morning Conversation

We are starting to get some "coo" noises out of Dottie. They only seem to happen at certain times of the day, mainly in the morning. Usually the noises we've been getting are grunts, cries, yells, wails, and screams, so these gentle "coo" noises are fun to hear. Her noises are also fun for us because she will make noises in response to noises we make, which is more progress in her communication.

The video below is a talking session that I captured when she was laying on her changing table near the window, which is one of her favorite places to be in the house. She is just about always happy in that spot ...

1 comment:

  1. Dottie Do-good is so-o-o sweet and I'm sure she's telling us something very important!!!
