Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Coffee Table

Over the past week and a half, we've been working on a new project. We had the following coffee table, but over time the shape wasn't what we wanted. Even though it was very unique, it didn't fit with the other "unique" stuff in our living room:

Since we like antiques (or things that look like antiques), Alisha came up with the idea of building a coffee table that looked old. We thought about making the wood look distressed or possibly using industrial pipe, but we settled on making a replication shop cart that would look something like the following:

We didn't have any actual antique wheels, so we wanted to get something that looked close. After looking around on ebay for some wheels that had the right look for a good price. We didn't find any, because most were either too small or cost about $40/wheel. Then we got the idea to go to Denio's, our local flea market, to look for some wheels. With some luck, we found these which Alisha promptly painted black to give them a cast iron look:

We also painted some metal corner braces to match. We got some lumber to build the body of the cart, then I went to work measuring, cutting, and nailing:

Last, Alisha stained the cart to be a darker wood that would match our cabinets and desk. Here's the final result: