Thursday, November 20, 2014

Making the Most of "You"

Are you reaching your maximum potential? We often try to be our best, but we run into obstacles along the way. These obstacles come in the form of limitations on our finances, skills, mental capacity, health, or opportunities. Sometimes we wish to ourselves that "if only I didn't have this or that limitation, then I'd really reach my maximum potential". We look at how others don't have the limitations we face, and we credit them with achieving more based on their increased opportunity. After all, if we had what they have then we'd do things better than they do, right?

We are a unique combination of our soul, spirit, and body:

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Thessalonians 5:13

I am not sure of the details or mechanisms, but somehow we are innately born with predispositions in each of these areas. That same soul, spirit, and body is refined and reworked by our experiences and how we react to them. You may have problems with anger because it's in your DNA, or you may get angry just because you saw your parents or friends react that way when you were growing up, or you may just like the feeling that anger gives you. The same could be said of your happiness, creativity, thoughtfulness, and other parts of your personality. How much of "you" is encoded in your DNA, how much has been bolted on by your upbringing, and how much of it is developed by you? There is "nature", "nurture" and then finally our reaction to those two parts. We can really only control that 3rd part (our reactions) which is where our area of responsibility lies.

So I'd like you to imagine that someone was born with your precise DNA, brought up in the same household environment you lived in, and had the same friends you had. Would they have made the same choices you did, or would they have chosen differently? If that person were standing right next to you, would they have scars where you do or carry the baggage that you carry? Would that person "coast" based on a God-given talent they have, or would they push themselves to develop it further? Thinking this way helps me see what I should really make of myself.

God has given me the DNA that I have and has granted me with the family and friends I have. What I do with those blessings (or limitations) is dependent upon me. This leads me (and hopefully you as well) to acknowledge and work around limitations that were placed in our lives beyond our control. It also hopefully leads us to continually push ourselves to develop in areas that are already satisfactory (ie: we shouldn't be satisfied with a mere passing grade in life).

Jesus is the standard by which we should measure ourselves, and we all fall short (Romans 3:23). He gave us a goal to aim for: to be the most God-like person we can be, to bring glory to God and honor him by becoming like him. Recognize areas where you fall short, so that they can be improved if God grants you the time to improve them. Identify areas where you can grow to be closer to Jesus' example. In summary, make the most of "you" that you can with the DNA and upbringing that God has blessed you with.


  1. When I look in the mirror, I see my competition. That person needs to be better today than she was yesterday.
    Thank you for this wonderful reminder : )
