Thursday, March 3, 2016

The first 3 weeks

Dottie's first 3 weeks have been filled with some high points and low points as Alisha and I adjust to having a newborn at home with us. The first few days were especially hard, while we waited for Alisha's milk supply to match Dottie's hunger level. After learning some feeding techniques and being able to better read Dottie's cues (cries), things are much smoother. I have returned to work, but Alisha still has stressful days filled with crying (from Dottie) and good days where she sleeps and is a "good baby".

Our favorite time is when she is quietly sleeping near us:

This is what it looked like when we first got home and Harper met Dottie for the first time. I still ask Harper "where is Dottie?" and she looks around aimlessly, so she hasn't yet figured out that the name "Dottie" applies to the little thing we've been spending so much time with. At this point I'm not sure whether it will be Harper or Dottie who first realizes what that name refers to.

This is a video from over a week ago, taken when Dottie was waking up and stretching:

She also frequently gets the hiccups, which we've been told is normal:

She is just now starting to "coo", as shown by this video I took this morning on her changing table. She likes talking to the window because the blinds and tree outside have strong contrasts:

We also occasionally feed her from a bottle as a backup mechanism to give Alisha time to rest and to give Dottie the nutrition she needs, if Alisha can't supply it. She feeds well from the bottle (once every few days), but definitely prefers her mommy. She's now up to 8lbs, after having dropped to a low of 6lb 11oz after being born:

Alisha is still recovering from surgery, so we haven't gone on any family walks or done much outside. While her parents are with us, they've worked with my dad to get several major projects done around the house, both outside and inside. Along with the meals we've received, it's been a huge help that lets us focus on our little Dot.

We bribe them with this.


  1. I love her!!!!
    and I love both of you!!!!
    ps: Harper minds fast when told to go to her room : )

  2. For you who know me , it's really tough to wait to be bribed !! I already warned them that they will probably be checking my bags before I leave !!!! 😄
    Dottie & I " Waltz" together, she loves it as much as I do !!!! 😄
    Oh my, she's such a cutie !!! What else could I say !!!

    1. No worries , we won't be "breakdancing" on purpose !!!! 😄

    2. You lucky pup!!!! ♡♡♡♡

  3. For you who know me , it's really tough to wait to be bribed !! I already warned them that they will probably be checking my bags before I leave !!!! 😄
    Dottie & I " Waltz" together, she loves it as much as I do !!!! 😄
    Oh my, she's such a cutie !!! What else could I say !!!

  4. She is so adorable!! ❤️ I love the video with Harper. I think they'll be good buddies.

  5. What a precious gift! These videos are heartwarming ☺

  6. I'm so happy to see these posts!! What a beautiful little girl Dottie is. I see a lot of resemblance to her big brother Roscoe but she has her own look as well. So happy for you all! God bless.
